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Workshop on Stochastic Analysis and Applications to Finance SAAF-2010
Marrakesh, Morocco (Maroc)
- May 31 – June 4, 2010
Stochastic Analysis and Applications to Finance
The workshop is intended to bring together researchers and students at the master level or in financial engineering cycle, interested in Stochastic Analysis and its applications to Finance and Insurance.
This workshop was designed to provide a student with a series of lectures and discussion of the increasingly close connections between stochastic analysis and its application to computational methods in mathematical finance.
The event is supported by the Hassan II Academy of Sciences and Techniques in frame Project Mathematics and its Applications (Mathematical Finance).
The first part of the workshop will take place in the Faculty of Sciences Semlalia from May 31-June 1 class room X.
It is located in the city of Marrakesh, Avenue Prince Moulay Abdellah, Marrakesh, Maroc.,
June 2 Excursion to El Kelaa Mgouna
The second part of the workshop will take place in Ksar Kaissar in El Kelaa Mgouna from June 3-4, 2010.
The participants will be lodged in the Ryad Mogador Manzah Hotel in Marrakesh and in Ksar Kaissar in El Kelaa Mgouna during the days of the Workshop with preferential price rates.
There is no fee to pay but the registration is mandatory
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