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Math-Fi soutient l'enseignement et la recherche en finance quantitative.

Nouveau : Spécial enseignant, chercheur, responsable de formation.

Nouveau : Master Finance de Marché partenaires Maths-fi.

SPA 2006 : 31st Conference on Stochastic Processes and their Applications

Paris, July 17 - 21, 2006

Financial Conferences :

-Nicole El Karoui : Tuesday July 18th, 10h30.
-Hans Föllmer : Tuesday July 18th, 9h.

Finance and probabilities sessions :

-Mathematical Finance I (org. Ph. Protter) with P. Barrieu, P. Cheridito, I. Rosu.
-Mathematical Finance II (org. H. Pham) with P. Bank, D. Hobson, P. Tankov.
-Numerical Probability I (org. D. Talay) with B. de Saporta, J. Guyon, C. Labart.
-Numerical Probability II (org. D. Talay) with F. Delarue, JF Jabir & A. Rousseau, V. Lemaire.
-Optimal Quantization and applications (org. G. Pagès) with H. Luschgy, J. Printems, A. Sellami.

And many other lectures and sessions about Levy processes, backward differential equations and their applications...

For further information : click here.
See the time table : click here.