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Math-Fi soutient l'enseignement et la recherche en finance quantitative.

Nouveau : Spécial enseignant, chercheur, responsable de formation.

Nouveau : Master Finance de Marché partenaires Maths-fi.

The Europlace Institute of Finance (EIF) and HEC School of Management Paris organize the

-1st European Job Market in Finance and Accounting

-3rd Europlace Institute of Finance (EIF) Job Market Forum in Finance

in collaboration with Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, Università Luigi Bocconi, ESADE, RSM Erasmus University, Copenhagen Business School.

This Job Market will give the opportunity to young researchers and finance professionals to present their work (plenary presentations or posters), and will also allow potential applicants and recruiters to organise individual interviews. The participants will also network during round table meetings and conferences, discussing finance, its jobs and the role of research.

All submitted papers and Vitae will be published on line for potential recruiters to consult them.

Travel and accommodation grants available upon application.

HEC School of Management
1, rue de la Libération
78351 Jouy en Josas - France

Date: December 20th, 2006

Registration and paper submission for the Job Market and grants application: clic here

Deadline: September 30th, 2006

Registration fees: EUR 20

Contact: Ms Rachel Curbinon