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Agenda Maths-fi.
Conference on Quantitative Risk Management - University Paris Diderot -

18 septembre 2009

Organizer : Huyên Pham (Paris 7 and IUF)


This conference is organized as part of the prize sponsored by the NATIXIS Foundation for Quantitative Research in association with the SMAI and awarded by the French Academy of Sciences.
The 2007 prize was awarded to Huyên Pham for his contributions in financial mathematics.
This year, the focus is on quantitative risk management in times of financial crisis, and the objective of the conference is to bring together researchers and participants from Academia and Professionals, and to discuss recent advances on this topic.

  • Benjamin Bruder (Société Générale)
  • Rama Cont (CNRS, PMA Paris 6-Paris 7)
  • Michel Crouhy (Natixis)
  • Nicole El Karoui (Paris 6)
  • Jean-Paul Laurent (ISFA Lyon and BNP-Paribas)
  • Charles-Albert Lehalle (Cheuvreux-Calyon)
  • Nizar Touzi (Ecole Polytechnique)
  • Denis Talay (INRIA Sophia-Antipolis)

The participation is free but the registration is mandatory.
This includes the access to the conference, the coffee-breaks, and the cocktail.
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