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CALL FOR PAPERS- Households, risk and insurance Workshop - Paris, Friday, January 15th, 2010

Deadline for submission : Sunday, September 20, 2009.

We are writing to inform you about the Households, risk and insurance Workshop and to invite you to submit papers for this meeting.


What: Households, risk and insurance Workshop
Where: Paris
When: Friday, January 15th, 2010
Paper Submission

Email pdf files by Deadline for submission : September 20, 2009.

Contact: Maximilien Nayaradou.
Email: maximilien.nayaradou@dauphine.fr
The Objectives

To increase interaction between researchers on all continents who share an interest in issues related to households, risk and insurance:
  • Household finance
  • Households risk management
  • New households risks and new insurance products…

To bring together people from mathematics, economics and finance and to give young researchers an opportunity to present their research and get early feedback on their work.
The Format

The plan is to select 8 papers maximum, with 30 minutes allocated for each presentation, 10 minutes for each discussion, and 10 minutes for questions from the audience.
Discussions will be done by senior researchers.

The organizers may cover travel (at the lowest costs) and accommodation expenses for the authors of selected papers (upon request and only one author by paper)

This Workshop is sponsored by the GIP-ANR (Croyances project) as well as by the Risk Foundation (Groupama Chair).

It is organized in partnership with the Journal: Mathematics and Financial Economics. All the members of the Editorial Board are invited and are expected to attend the workshop.
A specific fast-track procedure will be proposed to authors of selected papers who want to submit the same paper to Mathematics and Financial Economics.
More information...