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Dossier Crise Financière : Vers une éventuelle sortie de Crise en 2010?
  • November 3rd, 2010
    Fed Anounces $600 Billion QE2 to Buy U.S. Treasury Bonds and Reinvest $250 Billion More

    Click here...

  • October 12, 2010
    Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee - September 21, 2010
    A joint meeting of the Federal Open Market Committee and the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System was held in the offices of the Board of Governors in Washington, D.C., on Tuesday, September 21, 2010, at 8:00 a.m.
    The Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Open Market Committee on Tuesday released the attached minutes of the Committee meeting held on September 21, 2010.

    Click here...

  • April 20, 2010
    Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner Written Testimony before the House Financial Services Committee

    Click here...

  • February 3, 2010
    Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner gives his opening statement to the Committee on Ways and Means at a hearing on the Presidents Fiscal Year 2011 Budget

    Click here if you can't watch the video

  • January 27, 2010
    Chairman Towns questioned Secretary Geithner at the Committee's hearing on the Federal bailout of AIG
    On Wednesday, January 27, 2010, the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform held a hearing titled: "The Federal Bailout of AIG" to examine the Federal response to the collapse of AIG.
    The hearing focused on the decision to compensate AIG's credit default swap counterparties at 100 cents on the dollar following AIG's near-bankruptcy and the Federal Reserve's alleged attempt to keep secret the names of the counterparties and the amounts they were paid.

    short version
    Full version
    Secretary Written Testimony before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform

  • January 13, 2010 (Bloomberg)
    Obama Bank-Fee Plan May Tap Voter Anger Over Bailouts, Bonuses
    President Barack Obama will announce tomorrow his plan to impose a fee on the country’s largest financial firms to help recoup taxpayer bailout dollars and trim the federal budget deficit, an administration official said.
    Read article

  • December 4, 2009 (Bloomberg)
    Geithner Says Major Banks Would Have Failed Without Aid
    U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner talks with Bloomberg's Al Hunt about the whether large U.S. banks would have survived without government aid. Geithner also discusses the outlook for the U.S. labor market and economic growth.
    Watch the video here

  • September 15, 2009
    A Year in Turmoil: An Address By Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke
    September 2008 was a month of falling financial market dominoes: the federal take-over of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, followed one week later by the Lehman Brothers failure, the Bank of America agreement to save Merrill Lynch, and the first taxpayer lifeline to American International Group (AIG). The expression “systemic risk” became the new clarion call for policy-makers and regulators as they took unprecedented steps to avoid a collapse of the global financial system.

  • September 14, 2009
    President Obama on the Anniversary of Lehman's Fall
    The President speaks in New York City on the one-year anniversary of the collapse of Lehman Brothers. He looks back at how we came back from the brink of depression, and looks forward at how we prevent irresponsible actions by financial institutions from ever endangering our economy again.

    Click here if you can't watch the video

  • June 3, 2009
    Bernanke: Curb record-high budget deficits
    Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke on Wednesday urged Congress and the administration to cut record-high budget deficits, warning that they could erode investor confidence and endanger the economy’s long-term health.

    More information

  • June 1, 2009
    President Obama on the Auto Industry

  • June 1, 2009
    Speech by Secretary Geithner - The United States and China, Cooperating for Recovery and Growth
    The United States and China, Cooperating for Recovery and GrowthTreasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner Speech at Peking University - Beijing, China
    Read Speech Here

  • May 24, 2009
    Geithner Dismisses GOP Socialism Charge as 'Ridiculous'
    Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner admits private investors are worried about investing in new government-backed commercial mortgage securities and dismisses as "ridiculous" a recent Republican National Committee resolution stating that Democratic policies bordered on socialism.

  • April 14th, 2009
    President Barack Obama explains his larger vision for the economy
    The President explains his larger vision for the economy. The past three months have seem a storm of activity from the White House, with initiatives on housing, the markets, the auto industry, small businesses, international financial cooperation, and job creation through the Recovery Act. The President explains the strategy that has served as the foundation for every major initiative on the economy thus far. Georgetown University, April 14, 2009

    If you can't watch the video, click here
  • April 14th, 2009
    Bernanke on economy - Bloomberg (Part 1)
    Watch the video of Ben Bernanke, Chairman of the Board of Governors of the United States Federal Reserve, at the Morehouse College, Atlanta, Georgia here

    If you can't watch the video, click here
    Part 2
    If you can't watch the video, click here
  • March 24th, 2009
    'Presidential Press Conference' The President gave his second press conference, from the East Room of the White House
  • March 24th, 2009
    Toxic Turnaround : 'Have Markets hit the bottom ?'
    Watch the video of Jim Cramer

    If you can't watch the video, click here

  • 24 February 2009
    Jim Cramer : 'Take nationalization off the table'
    Watch the video of Jim Cramer here

  • 24 February 2009
    'A new area of responsibility' In his first address to a joint session of Congress, President Obama laid out his plan to confront our economic and fiscal crises.
    Read speech of President Barack Obama


Washington Post