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Business breakfast : The private sector in Sub-Saharan Africa

May 28, 2007 – 8:30 to 10:30

About us

The International Finance Corporation (IFC), the private sector arm of the World Bank Group, is a global investor and advisor, and a leader in sustainable private sector investments in emerging markets. IFC applies sophisticated financial tools to finance projects that have a positive developmental impact and comply with high environmental and social standards.
The Private Sector in Sub-Saharan Africa

IFC is the largest multilateral source of loan and equity financing for private sector projects in Sub-Saharan Africa. Since its first investment in Africa in 1960, IFC has committed over US$ 5 billion in the region covering a wide range of sectors: extractive industries, manufacturing, agribusiness, infrastructure, financial markets, information and communication technologies, tourism, health and education.

In Fiscal Year 2006, commitments amounted to US$ 700 million, and the objective for 2009 is as high as US$ 1 billion.
Mai 28, 2007's Business Breakfast

We are planning a business breakfast with young African professionals (mid-careers) with a background in finance. Oumar Seydi, Country Manager for Central Africa, will introduce participants to IFC’s activities and engage on a discussion on the private sector in Sub Saharan Africa.

He will also talk about career opportunities with the IFC and all that makes the Corporation such an exciting and rewarding environment in which to work.

The venue for this event is :
World Bank

66, Avenue d’Iena

75116 Paris
Deadline & contact :

If you are interested in participating; deadline is May 24 latest
The number of places being limited, we require that potential participants send their curriculum to this email address: aklein1@ifc.org.
Please note in the subject line: Business breakfast May 28.

We are looking forward to meeting with you on May 28.