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French Finance Association International Meeting

2010 Spring Meeting

Saint-Malo, France

May 10-12, 2010
On behalf of the organizing committee, we would like to welcome you to the 27th Spring Conference of the French Finance Association.

University of Rennes 1's Graduate School of business Administration and ESC Rennes School of Business have joined forces to organise together this International Conference. Preparations have been underway for the last few months, and our teams have worked hard to ensure the academic, organizational and social success of the conference.

Recents events in the finance area have sent shockwaves round the world economy. Then if every financial subject is welcomed and wil be debated, a special attention will be given to any attempt to find some key-solutions to the worldwide crisis.
We hope that your stay in Saint Malo will be an enjoyable one, and wish you a rewarding conference experience.

Registration Fees